When you should clean your crystals:
You should cleanse your crystals regularly when they feel hot, feel heavier than normal, look a bit dull or dusty or you have had a big shift/ change in energy.
Crystals of the green, blue and purple colour spectrum prefer to be charged in the moonlight as they are yin (feminine) energies.
Crystals of the red, yellow and orange colour spectrum prefer to be charged in the sunlight as they are yang (masculine) energies.
Crystals of the clear, white & black colour spectrum can be charged in both moon or sunlight as they contain all the colours of the spectrum.
Using the appropriate charging method ensures your crystals are charged to their purest & highest vibrational frequency.
Sound - This method requires a listening skill. Choose a bell, drum, singing bowl, Tibetan bells, a gong or a tuning fork. Allow the crystal to bathe in the sound frequency until you hear a crisp clear sound. This may require practise until you recognise the desired purity of sound.
Earth- When crystals have been used to absorb large quantities of negative energy e.g. removing fear in a healing session, radiation from electrical equipment, etc I would recommend returning them to the earth for purification. Carefully wrap your crystal in muslin or natural cloth and bury it back into the earth. Leave for approx 7 days, longer if you feel necessary, allow your instincts to guide you or dowse to ensure the crystal is completely cleansed before working with it again.
Water- Sea water, natural springs, waterfalls, rivers or streams of fresh water are ideal places to cleanse crystals. Simply bathe the crystals in the water and allow the natural ability of the water to cleanse and purify them. Please ensure that the crystal is safe and suitable to be cleansed in water, some crystals will deteriorate in water.
Himalayan Salt- Immerse the crystal in a bowl of sea salt, ensuring that the crystal is completely covered. Allow a period of 7-24 hours to cleanse then rinse thoroughly in pure water and allow drying naturally in the sunlight. Precautions should be taken with regard to the hardness of the stone; softer stones could be scratched by the salt as it is an abrasive and some crystals are water soluble. I would recommend crystals with a hardness of 7 or above for this method.
Brown Rice -Place the crystal in a natural substance bowl and cover with uncooked brown rice. Leave for 24 hours and the rice will remove any negativity and balance the energy. This method is suitable for all crystals and jewellery.
Incense/ Sage/ Paolo Santo - Smudging is a technique that has been used for centuries by the Native American Indians. It requires the crystal to be placed in the smoke that is released from burning incense or herbs. The most suitable herbs are Sage, Cedar wood or pure incense. It has been scientifically tested that these herbs and incense reduce positive ions in the atmosphere. Ensure that a window is open when employing this method to allow the air to circulate and remove the negative energy. This purification method is suitable for all crystals.
Copper Pyramid- copper pyramids are excellent cleansing tools , you can pop them straight in to cleanse and it also charges them, for as long as you feel intuitively is adequate, very suitable if your environment like a treatment room etc doesn't permit you to make noises with sound bowls / tingsha etc.
Amethyst bed/ Selenite - Amethyst and selenite is renowned for its ability to cleanse. Choose a cluster or selenite charging plate specifically for this purpose and cleanse it before use. Dedicate the cluster/ plate to cleanse and purify. Crystals with a hardness of 7 or above and jewellery may be placed on the Amethyst/ selenite to be cleansed for 12 – 24 hours. Precaution should be taken as to the length of time crystals are left on the cluster as excessive contact can result in the absorption of Amethyst/ Selenite qualities into the stone. This may impair the identity or the individuality of the crystal being cleansed. Amethyst / Selenite may be too strong in nature for some of the gentler stones so once again be guided by your instincts.
Reiki- if your Reiki attuned you can use it to cleanse and charge your Crystals.
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