Crystal healing Therapy is a non-intrusive form of therapy with very powerful healing effects. It can be used to help any physical, emotional or mental imbalance.
Physical sensations such as heat, tingling or warmth may be experienced as the body re-aligns itself. The resulting effects are an overall sense of relaxation and well-being.
In their purest form Crystals are a physical manifestation of light & Universal energy, exactly the same as we are. Crystals have the ability to transmit, transmute, absorb & reflect energy & light.
The absorption of energy explains the process of how information is drawn into a crystal, through environment, previous usage, chemical composition & energetic experiences that have made contact with the crystal.
Through scientific research we have already ascertained that crystals, in particular Quartz, can transmit messages. When the energy (vibration) of a crystal is returned to a pure state by employing a cleansing method it is possible for the crystal to emit electrical signals, that will be received by the recipient through their bioelectronic & bio-photonic sensors. Often this occurs without conscious awareness, however the body has an innate ability to repair itself without conscious effort & thus the healing process begins.
The brain is the main control of the body, consciously making decisions based upon the information it has collected and subconsciously capable of performing repetitive tasks automatically.
These messages are sent to & from the brain via electrical impulses as previously mentioned. However, the human consciousness becomes distorted by unproductive thought patterns or traumatic life experiences. The messages then become damaging, unbalance the equilibrium system & if they are allowed to continue over a period of time dis-ease is the result.
Crystal healing works by overriding the system; so to speak. When placed in the energy field of a recipient the interaction of energy creates an electrical impulse which sends messages in the form of UV light directly to the cells of the body, which have the capability of recognising the correct frequency & begin to repair themselves
(The circuit in the electronic device, bioelectronic energy) The cells in turn send messages to the brain, which adjust the emotional & mental equilibrium to a more harmonious state. The result can produce new thought patterns & restore inner balance. Once the mind, body & spirit are reconnected & working in harmony, the healing process will follow.
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